Thank you to everyone who submitted their response to the recent iCG survey about the North Yorkshire Council fee uplifts – over 140 of you!
Please find below a link to the results from the survey.
We have presented these results to NYC which they are reviewing and have agreed to continue negotiations, conditional on providers submitting more detailed evidence and data to back up the points highlighted in the survey – hard facts that will allow for better analysis by iCG and NYC.
Whilst NYC are under pressure to demonstrate value for money (vfm), iCG also needs to be able to evidence the costs of providing care in detail. We need your help with that and will asking you to help us with some additional details of cost breakdown.
In the meantime, NYC has agreed in principle to pay without prejudice the uplifts as in their initial proposal. This does not mean the offer has been accepted when the market is clearly signalling it is not acceptable. It is a measure to help providers with their cost pressures in the short term.
To help you prepare and collate the more detailed information required, we will shortly be sending out some data collection documents which you need to complete and return to us, so we can present your case in the next round of discussions. Please keep an eye out tor these documents (we will send emails but they will also be available on the iCG website)
• The full offer from NYC is available to view and download by clicking the link: https://www.independentcaregroup.co.uk/nyc-fee-negotiations