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The ICG is keen to spread the word about the amazing work our sector does and to discuss issues affecting the delivery of social care in this country. To that end we are happy to provide the following for journalists looking for social care sector input:

• Interviewees for TV and radio

• On-the-record comment for print and online publications

• Background briefings for journalists, producers and programme makers

• Press releases with our comment on issues


Contact: Mike PadghamChair

Independent Care Group and Executive Chairman, Saint Cecilia’s Care Group

m: 07971 111062



Thank you to everyone who submitted their response to the recent iCG survey about the North Yorkshire Council fee uplifts – over 140 of you!

Please find below a link to the results from the survey.

We have presented these results to NYC which they are reviewing and have agreed to continue negotiations, conditional on providers submitting more detailed evidence and data to back up the points highlighted in the survey – hard facts that will allow for better analysis by iCG and NYC.

Whilst NYC are under pressure to demonstrate value for money (vfm), iCG also needs to be able to evidence the costs of providing care in detail. We need your help with that and will asking you to help us with some additional details of cost breakdown.

In the meantime, NYC has agreed in principle to pay without prejudice the uplifts as in their initial proposal.  This does not mean the offer has been accepted when the market is clearly signalling it is not acceptable. It is a measure to help providers with their cost pressures in the short term.


To help you prepare and collate the more detailed information required, we will shortly be sending out some data collection documents which you need to complete and return to us, so we can present your case in the next round of discussions. Please keep an eye out tor these documents (we will send emails but they will also be available on the iCG website)


• The full offer from NYC is available to view and download by clicking the link: 


The ICG is hoping a House of Lords amendment, which would make social care providers exempt from the planned rise in Employer’s National Insurance Contributions, will be accepted by the Government.

Yesterday the House of Lords supported a Liberal Democrat amendment to the National Insurance Contributions (Secondary Class 1 Contributions) Bill which would exempt social care providers, NHS GP practices, NHS commissioned dentists, NHS commissioned pharmacists, charitable providers of health and care, and those providing hospice care from the increase.

The ICG hopes the Government will have a rethink and accept the amendment.

ICG Chair Mike Padgham said: “The House of Lords has sent a clear message to the Government that it believes the health and social care sector should be exempt from the rise in Employer’s National Insurance Contributions.

“We hope that it prompts the Government to have a rethink and change the policy before it comes in this April.

“Many social care providers will face real financial difficulty if the increases go ahead and we hope there is a change of heart.”

The vote came on the same day that social care providers held a Day of Action calling on the Government to support the social care sector. The day of action, organised by Providers Unite, a coalition of social care representatives, included a march in Westminster.

It called on the Government to review the impact the proposed increase in Employer’s National Insurance Contributions and rise in the National Living Wage will have on social care. Campaigners want the Government to make social care providers, including hospices, exempt from the National Insurance increase or make more funding available to help social care providers meet rising costs.


ICG Chair Mike Padgham has hailed a Day of Action calling for urgent support for social care as a great success.

And he has urged the Government to respond by bringing forward reform. Mr Padgham said: “This was an overwhelming show of support for action and sent a very clear message to the Government that we cannot wait any longer for reform. “The numbers and the emotions on show demonstrated a real depth of feeling and desire for things to change.” Mr Padgham joined ICG Board members from Scarborough, York and Harrogate at the national Day of Action in London. “The ICG was proud to be a part of the Day of Action and hope it helps bring about long-awaited change,” added Mike.

“This was about giving a voice to people who rely on social care and those who provide it. “What we want to see now is the Government respond, to bring forward social care reform and to properly fund the sector so that we can get care to the 2m people who currently can’t get it and pay staff properly for the amazing work they do.

“We need to see some action, especially in the light of reports that the start of cross-party talks on social care has been delayed. It speaks volumes that politicians can’t even make a start on talking about reform, let alone taking action. Social care deserves better.”

The day of action, organised by Providers Unite, a coalition of social care representatives, attracted protesters to a march in Westminster. It called on the Government to review the impact the proposed increase in Employer’s National Insurance Contributions and rise in the National Living Wage will have on social care. Campaigners want the Government to make social care providers, including hospices, exempt from the National Insurance increase or make more funding available to help social care providers meet rising costs. The song ‘Who Cares? ’co-written by ICG Marketing Executive Brian Johnson and performed by co-writer, Ivor Novello-nominated singer-songwriter Boo Hewerdine was performed during the day of action.


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